my 21 day #realjuicereboot challenge


*a huge thank you to philips and all the nutritionists involved*

i like to do some posts which are a little different to my normal theme of style/beauty so when the opportunity to take part in this campaign i welcomed it with open arms. the #realjuicereboot focus is about encouraging people to juice daily as part of a healthy lifestyle rather than taking on unsustainable detoxes and quick fix weight loss regimes. by including just one juice a day one, only taking 10-15 minutes at a time and using fresh ingredients eliminating the need for bottled juice which we all know contains masses of sugar which is a big no-no. 

if you keep up to date with me on social networks; specifically instagram, you'll have seen i did a few snaps of my juices in my cute milk bottles and pastel straws to go for the "pinterest-worthy" pictures. i'm not going to lie there were some juices that were harder than others; for instance some were full of vegetables and my worst nightmare being celery, but it was great for adding a burst of energy and i found a huge improvement in my mood. not only that i felt i saw a huge improvement in my complexion and curbing cravings throughout the day. which i'm usually really bad for! overall i can't recommended this practise enough, compared to juice only diets for the sole purpose of quick weight-loss. this was you reap the benefits from all the vitamins and nutrients without them going to waste because you're so lethargic. i will definitely try to keep this up! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can't wait to see your recipes! I'm stuck in such a rut with my juices and I don't want eating healthily to become a chore!

    Ellie xo

  3. I still can't bring myself to like green juices though I know they're so good for you. I do really want to try one of those juice cleanses though...

    xo, alison*elle

  4. Well this makes me feel like trying too ! Do you have any recipes to share ? Your instagram pictures were definitely Pinterest worthy btw ;)

  5. I really need to get in on the juicing action, a girl at my work did it as a detox and lost a tonne of weight. Granted she put it back on again but said it definitely made a difference with energy/skin/etc.


  6. Congrats! I couldn't take up such a challenge!

  7. I have been thinking of starting juicing would be keen on coming back to see what different juices you come up with :)



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