getting organised in 2015


products photographed:
fringe ball point pen in geometric print

i love that each new year means that it's another excuse for me to buy new stationary. i've always been a bit of a stationary collector (aka freak); notebooks, new pens, post-it notes, highlighters, you name it and i'm there. this means i can become a little bit over-bearing when it comes to writing things down and trying to stay organised. don't get me wrong i'm not a robot. sometimes i let myself slack and can live day-to-day, but nine times out of ten i like my week to be all planned out for me. 2015 is the year where i would say i now finally count myself as being a "grown up" and have a lot of things to micro manage. so christmas time/new year is perfect as it means i've bagged myself loads of new bits to keep me organised. by chance i spotted the 'blogger must-have' kate spade agenda with 75% off when shopping - what a steal right?!

i think for most bloggers, keeping up to date and making notes is essential to running any blog regardless of whether it's your full time job or you do it on the side of your normal job, like myself. it's the only way i would remember the mountain of to-do's that come with blogging; answering emails, managing when i'm free to shoot and planning campaigns i'm working on. i know it may sound stupid, but i like to write everything down just to myself so it feels like i'm in control. always knowing everything i need to. i'd hate to miss something important all because i didn't write it down as my memory is definitely getting a lot worse the older i become. not only that, but as i said earlier this year i have a lot more responsibilities and outgoings to keep an eye on. and i 100% believe that if i didn't keep up to date with it all, i'd end up blinking and all my money would be gone on clothes. then i'd be in a right ol' pickle. even though you could be sitting reading this thinking "really?" as though i'm that careless, i do think there are fair few other bloggers who are the same as me. judging by all the other journal/notebook pictures i've spotted the last couple of weeks. so how about it, are you going to be more organised this year? i'd love to see any shots of your notebooks/diaries so please send them over via twitter or tag me in your images on instagram for me to see. :)


  1. Absolutely love that kate spade agenda, such a pretty pattern

    Julia x

  2. This is one of my resolutions too and it's going really well so far - it feels so much better to plan times to get everything done. It also means you can enjoy a day off without feeling like you should really be doing something else!xxx

    Maisy Meow | Fashion and Beauty Blog

  3. This is so pretty and I have been loving the stationary as well. I just got mine and a pretty notebook.

    Jackie | fashionxfairytale | bloglovin' |

  4. Lovely blog post ! This journal is so gorgeous !

    Giveaway, win a pair of Polette Eyewear

  5. Oooh, I do love that journal. Getting it personalized makes it so much more special :) And who can resist a bit of gold?! x

  6. love the agenda! x

  7. I'm a stationary fiend as well, that journal is gorgeous. I don't know if I can avoid going out to buy a new fancy diary myself.

    lucy | luceellen xxx

  8. ohh i love both your diary and agenda - i'm a massive list maker and so kind of have a notebook fetish haha my friend bought me an amazing one for blogging - i'll send you a picture when i get home!

    Heather / The Wardrobe

  9. How beautiful is that custom diary of yours! I am absolutely swooning over it! I can never understand how people can function without diaries and planners! I absolutely swear by mine, for organising everything in my life. I usually have a diary and then at least 3 notebooks on the go at any time. I'm sure I could probably condense it but why would you when stationery is so darn pretty?
    Laura @ Chambray & Curls

  10. I've started getting organised this year, and I'm finding that it's the perfect excuse to get slightly pricier agendas because they're in constant use, so they might as well be nice. I've been eyeing the Kate Spade planners since I realised they existed - they're definitely going on my Christmas wishlist for next year! x

    Ornella | EUHNELLA

  11. I think I should follow your example. I tend to make too many notes on loose pieces of paper that wind up disorganised, jumbled and buried under more notes. I'm sure having some lovely notebooks handy would help get me organised and reduce the clutter.

  12. absolutely beautiful collection of books! xx

  13. Lovely little post! It’s fun to be organised! I love buying nice notebooks too. Your photography is so on point. I’m loving my Paperchase diary at the mo, it has a gorgeous contemporary pattern on it! :-) xx

    Helen | Helens Fashion & Beauty Blog

  14. Beautiful pictures and great tips!

    Katy x x

  15. Mmmm. That diary. I love good stationary.

  16. Looks gorgeous. I'm trying to find pretty planner/organizer, I'm not pleased with current one.


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