reaching 21


so just incase you don't keep up to date with me via social media today is my 21st birthday. yep, that's right i'm an official adult now. i haven't had a total breakdown like i heard some people suffered when reaching this milestone. however i don't really like to admit that from now on everything  really is supposed to go downhill. even so, i was totally spoilt running up to my birthday; with my dad buying me a new laptop (which i needed desperately) and accumulating a fair amount of money which is always great to help the funds when you have a spending problem like myself. i was given some lovely beauty bits from my auntie and uncle which i can't wait to use and review. and of course liam was great as i was woken up to more balloons and he treated me to loads of stuff he knew i was lusting after; a new perfume, clothes from zara and whatnot. although i wasn't prepared for his final surprise to me which was....

a trip to venice!

i had no reaction when i opened the documentation to say he'd booked for us to go for 4 days at the end of september as i think it took a while to sink in. but i am so excited it's insane! i've always wanted to go to italy since i was younger so there are no words to describe how overwhelmed i am. he really has gone above and beyond for me and i'm so happy we will be able to make memories that will last forever. just imagine the photographs i'm going to get aswell! ah!! can you tell i can't wait? so yeah, i've had a pretty amazing 21st birthday and thank you so much to all of you for your birthday wishes you sent over whether they were by facebook, twitter or instagram! i appreciated them all.

p.s the feedback on my last post was also incredible! i'm glad so many of you agree and feel the same. it's also crazy that it seems my little ol' post has actually helped others and people have been tweeting me to say they feel like they've had an increase in comments since my post. i have to agree aswell, i've noticed more on mine too. also the #bbloggers chat on sunday was about it too so it's great that the topic is circulating.

p.p.s sorry have a lot of things to add into this - myself and rachael are venturing down london this thursday and friday for the ASOS and inthestyle events! if you are going please let me know we would love to meet up with some bloggers afterwards or before. :)


  1. Happy Birthday lovely! Your boyfriend is defo a keeper! :) xx

  2. Happy birthday! Hope you had a lovely day, it sounds like you did! :) x

  3. Happy Birthday! I'm hoping you're having a wonderful day and it sounds like you've received some very nice gifts. Enjoy them :).

  4. Happy 21st Birthday! So jealous of your trip to Venice.

    I'll be attending the ASOS party also, look forward to seeing you there :)

  5. eeek that's such an amazing surprise, lucky you! my boyfriend isn't even seeing me for my birthday on monday! hope you've enjoyed the rest of your evening :) xxx

  6. Such a nice surprise! I've always wanted to go to Venice!

    ​Leanne @ Leanne-Marie ​ x​​

  7. VENICE? You lucky thing! can't wait to see the beautiful shots you'll get!! :)

  8. Happy belated birthday! I hope you have a great time in Venice, I'm off to read your last post!
    Water Painted Dreams xo

  9. So glad you had a wonderful day! You were spoiled :)
    Venice will be incredible.

    Lindsey x

  10. Venice is beautiful, you'll love it! Perfect for lots of pretty photos :) x

    Under Blue Lights

  11. Happy belated birthday! Hope you had a great day and I'm so jealous you're going to Venice! hope you have a lovely time :D


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