Today is a new day


Flowers C/O Appleyard London

Over recent months it has been a constant struggle of deciding whether to be motivated and work, work, work or allow myself some cooling off time so I don't burn out. I made the decision to become complacent, conforming to the usual routine of a nine to five job then returning home and doing nothing. Don't get me wrong it felt good for a while; it meant I had more time for my boyfriend, friends and family or I had the option of waking up and staying in my pyjamas and watching junk TV all day, but reality to starts to sink in and the realisation strikes that I'm unfulfilled. The pressures of working full time and running a blog at the same time is hard work, and I commend anyone who is able to maintain it on a regular basis. I know the reality is I'm not going to be able to run my blog as well as I did this time last year. Even so, I love my blog and the community that comes with it. Therefore I'm making it my mission to fight through the exhaustion and force myself to write, edit and create content again. Outfit posts are definitely something I'm incredibly anxious about already, given my weight gain and lack of confidence towards myself over recent months. I am aware I need to wake up and smell the coffee (or tea in my case) and realise that I am not an ogre and I'm still an 8-10, albeit a little bit tighter and I am ready to grab the bulls by the horns and force myself back into it. I'm not saying my blog will become solely outfit post related, as I know it won't. When you weigh up how much free time I actually do have and if I want to keep my posting regular and interesting. Plus there are many more things I like posting about now, whether that be homeware, gift ideas, food places to explore and beauty. What this post is really saying is that today is a new day and even though I've been crappy with posting the last few months I'm not going to let it drag me down. Time to start fresh!


  1. aww i'm glad you're going to start posting again. I can totally relate to how you have been feeling but welcome back and good luck with your future posts!

    Rachel // Style Soup

  2. I've felt like this too. It's so hard to keep up your content when you're working full time aswell. And I've made the decision to throw myself back into my blog aswell..It's a working progress. I'm glad i'm not the only one struggling! Keep it up, your blog is lovely x

  3. So glad to see you back to blogging! I work full time and blog too and it's pretty difficult but I just plan plan plan to make things easier :) xx

    Everything But The Kitchen Sink

  4. can't wait to see you start posting again! I've never been a regular poster, it's so difficult with a full time job, trying to socialise and my pure laziness... not sure how anyone does it!!

    Rose and Weston x

  5. Glad you're getting back into it again! I find it hard with just going to university so I can't imagine what it's like working full time! xx

    Lucy //

  6. I've missed your posts! It is hard work working and blogging but really worth it x
    eleanor's adventures // UK Fashion & Beauty Blog

  7. I know the struggle girl. Keep doing what you love and everything will fall into place!

    Tiny darling

  8. Welcome back lovely

    Rosy |

  9. Looking forward to seeing you blog again hunny, but I know what you mean. Now I am doing YouTube too, Saturday and Sunday are both 8am starts sat at the computer all day, so I need to find more time to have a life around full time work and blogging. We must do something again next time you are in Manchester :) xxx

  10. I get this feeling! Looking forward to seeing you blog again though :)


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